Monday, October 30, 2006

Goodbye Jack...

Today was the toughest day that I have experienced in a long time. My family had been talking about putting our dog down, so I really should of prepared myself better for it. I was shocked by the emotions I had to losing this dog, Ill be honest in saying that I really never paid much attention to him. In fact, when I did pay attention to him It would most likely be a "go lay down" or "get lost" comment, but after today Im questioning myself why? I really wasnt the way that I should of been to this poor dog, in the long run Im the biggest jerk in the world, and now im paying for it. Today as well as this week Jack is going to be on my mind, and im going to remember all the times Ive told him to go away, and it is going to bother me. If anything, today I learned a life lesson. 1) Treat every person as if your not going to see them again, icnore absolutely no one. 2) They say "You dont know what you have until its gone" .. well all I have to say about that is its SO true, so true.

I Love you Jack, Your forever in our families hearts as a dog, and a friend


Spiderdan said...

That is super tough man. I know how you feel.

lori-is-weird said...

I'm deffetally dreading the day when Wags "passes on"! She's 16, so I'm thinking that it won't be that much longer!

chelseylynnpalmer said...

awe bud i'm sorry ... i'm here if you need me i had to go through it too! love you forever<3