Monday, November 27, 2006

I So Hate Consequences - Spider-Man 2

Good song with good words here .. and a great movie too. I needed to update my blog, so Ive decided to put this little music video on. This song is great, its by Reliant-K and it is called I So Hate Consequences

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Are You Ready?

Friday, Novemeber, 24th, 2006 it will be another game between the STU Tommies, and the UNB Varsity Reds. So far this year both teams have been playing a good season, unfortuntely STU has been playing the better one, but that will mean nothing when these two teams faceoff for the second time this year. The last game that these two Fredericton rivals played the STU Tommies ran away with a 3-1 win, but we all know that the only reason STU won that game is because I was in Prince Edward Island at the time. HOWEVER, on Friday night I will not be in PEI, I will be in the Aitken Center watching the game! The Tommies havn't beatin the V-Reds in the Aitken Center since February 28th 2002 when they won 3-2 in overtime. Going into this game, UNB's record against STU in AUS Mens hockey is 93 Wins 44 Loss 8 Ties ...

Who Will Win When The "Battle Of The Hill" Game 2 Live At the AUC!? (7:00)

Monday, November 20, 2006

Just Keeps Getting Better!

Today was a great day, you couldnt ask for a better start to a week really. I woke up this morning thinking right away, that I only have 4 days of school, then I have a 4 day weekend! I just kept thinking of the positives like what was going on this week. Youth Group, The hockey game Friday Night (STU vs UNB). Then the Leafs are on HNIC so I will get some time to spend with my Dad. When I came home from school, Dad told me that Darrell was coming home on December 16th, so now I am just counting the days down to that, I miss you BIG D! So now all I have to do is keep having some great days, and eventually December 16th will come, and I will have my whole family to spend another Christmas with. Im so pumped for it. Darrell, I know at about this time that you are very busy with all of your school work at MCC, so I, as well as our youth group and church, will continue to pray for you to be successful. I love you Bro, your the best brother a person could ever have, and I mean it. See you in 26 Days! I Love you!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Good Weekend Again, And More Good Times To Come!

This weekend was yet another great one. Not so much in the hockey world as the Leafs lost to the Devils Saturday night 2-1, they played well though! And the V-Reds done good I guess as they defeated Dalhousie Tigers, but lost to the STFX X-Men in OT. I think the leafs only lost because we never watched Hockey Night In Canada at the Gilberts home.

Put a side the hockey stuff, This weekend was good in general as I got to spend some time with Chelsey Palmer, so that was some pretty fun stuff if I do say so my self, and we are going to have some more fun coming up very soon right! (December 5th)

Coming up this weekend is Game 3 of STU vs UNB, This game is held at the Aitken University Center at 7:00 .. Dan, I think this should be made as a youth group event ** HINT HINT** That is if you are not busy, the game is on Friday November 24th. Its gonna be a good one, I hope!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Are You Really A Hockey Fan? (Seriously)

Why the frig do people hate the leafs? you know, it really does begin to make a person fiercly angry. The leafs are just like any other team in the NHL, there is absolutely NO reason to hate them. Are they a Canadian team? YES! they are, shouldnt you idiots be supporting them, like I mean we only have 6 Canadian Teams in the whole NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE. In the long run, you people should feel bad about the Toronto Maple Leafs and their organization. They have had it tough,they havnt won a cup in 40 long years. So why hate the leafs? Is it because of their fanbase, that its so much bigger then your favorite NHL clubs? Is it really the fact that you are jalous, and angry about the fact that every where you go, you will see Leafs fans, is it because when the leafs are playing in your favorite NHL teams rink you will hear "GO LEAFS GO"? I really dont understand why people HATE the leafs, its sick, it really is. Its rediculous, it really is. There is no need for hate in the NHL, we have all experienced an NHL LOCKOUT, you should be THANKFUL that we have hockey in our world again today. The only reason I can see that a person would hate another NHL club, is because 1a)They have a better Team OR 1b) They are just playing way to FRIGGIN GOOD! ... think about this, Are you really a hockey fan? If the word "Hate" comes into the hockey world, im sorry to tell you my friends, you are NOT a true hockey fan. I know im going to get some nasty comments because of that, but grow up, and think about it. Canada's national sport is hockey, prove it. Thankyou, that is all.

Just to let you know I tried to keep this as polite as I could, It wasnt easy, but I think this is kept in the "Rated G" area. (Lily,Lori)


No Title

This past weekend was yet another great one. And yes, probably because it involved alot of hockey which is always good. Its also a good thing if your team wins. (TML 5 - 1 MTL) however, UNB lost to frigen Moncton 3-1, but thats ok, we will get them next time. Wish the weekend would of been longer so that I could of done a little bit more, but hey, it was a 3 day weekend, so I guess its time for another fun week of school! Im sure it wont be that bad, look on the bright side, there are only 3 days till Friday.
Have A Great Week Guys, Im sure we all will be talking!

Sunday, November 12, 2006


You are my King (Amazing love) By The Newsboys
Take a sheet of paper. On it write all the things for which you need to be forgiven. Write down things you’ve never asked God to forgive. Write down things you’ve asked God to forgive but which keep bugging your conscience anyway ... Now take that sheet of paper and tear it up. Into small, tiny little pieces. On a windy day, take the pieces, and throw them into the wind and watch the scatter and fly away. Littering I know isn’t the smartest thing to do, but this thing has a picture to it. The sins you wrote down are now gone. You couldn’t pick up the scattered pieces even if you wanted to. That’s the way God views our sins when you ask for his forgiveness. Scattered. Gone, "Forgiven". The bible explains Gods forgiveness to us in so many different ways. "Therefore, my brothers, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness if sin is proclaimed to you"(Acts 13:38). "As far as the East is from West, So far has he removed our transgressions from us"(Psalm 103:12). "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" (Romans 12:21). When it comes to forgiving someone I know that it can be the toughest thing in the world. But really just think about it, Think about what Jesus done for us. In this video above it is called "Im Forgiven", take a moment to really focus on what is being said in this song by the Newsboys. As many of you know this song really touched my heart, and it will always be one of my most favorite songs. This song is the song that I came forward to, to give my life to Jesus, and confess him as my Lord and savior. It was the words in this song that really tell me this is for real, Im truly honored to be a part of the family of God. To summarize this post, what im saying is all that we have to do is ADMIT that we have sinned, and believe that he will forgive us, because he will regardless of how bad the sin is. "I love you, And God does too" .. Right Darrell!

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Indescribable - Chris Tomlin

When you listen to that song above you really just need to stop and think. do you know what the word "Indescribable" means? well lets find out here. Definition 1 states this, "cannot be described . Definition 2 says "surpassing description ". Both of them translations were straight out of the webster online dictionary. When Chris Tomlin wrote this song, he could not of picked a better title then "Indescribable". As you listen to this song, just listen to the words and really take sometime to think about what is being said here. God can be explained in so many ways, he's so great,awesome,powerful,amazing and so much more. God is the reason why we are not living lifes that are just negative, God is the reason why we are where we are today in life. I've said it before and I will say it again, Im so happy to have the youth that we have, our relationships are so strong, were a team, and thats never going to change, and its all because of our indescribable God. One last time I just want to tell you to really focus on the words in this song . Praise God!!!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Leafs vs Habs (Game 3) Saturday Night!

This was game one of the year, the game was at the ACC in toronto. In this game, the first game of the year for these two, The habs won it as Kovalov won the game for the Leafs in shootout.

This was game two of this great Canadian Rivalry, it was one of the most intense shootouts that I have ever seen. So with the Habs winning game one in Toronto, and the Leafs winning game two in Montreal .. That just leads us to ask, who will win Game 3 of this 8 game divisional rivalry in Toronto, On Saturday Night?!!

Go Leafs Go!

This weekend is going to be another great one, as it is an action packed weekend of Hockey! All starting this Saturday night at Lily's house where we will be watching the Toronto Maple Leafs host the Montreal Canadiens. The past two games have went to shootout overtime, both resulting in a 5-4 win for each team. This is the 3rd game of this year for the Habs & Leafs so it should be a interesting one. Or should it? we cannot forget that our team captain (Mats Sundin) has suffered an injury to his elbow and will be out for a month! which really sucks. Heres hoping that the Leafs will keep up the good work with him out of the lineup, but if not, I must say I wouldn't be suprised.
ALSO this weekend on Sunday night I will be going to the Aitken Centre where the UNB V-REDS will be hosting the UDEM Blue Angels at 7:00. I love the fact that we have no school the next day, so it will give me another day to get all my energy back after this weekend. GO REDS GO!!

Last but not least, this weekend is Remembrance day, Don't forget to take a moment just to have silence for the ones who fought and died for us in war. We live in a free country, but that's only because of the brave Canadian soldiers who fought their lifes, just to make sure that we would be safe and free. We thank them brave people, and we also thank God for giving us a free country, the best country in the world ... CANADA!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Tony Stewart!

YES!! Im loving this Nascar thing already, I mean, I just got into it this weekend, selected my favorite driver to be TONY STEWART, and look at this, the boy wins the race for me in Texas. This is amazing!! this is only the beginning of me, and Tony .. were going all the way!! GO STEWART GO!! ... now thats what Im talking about!