Monday, November 13, 2006

Are You Really A Hockey Fan? (Seriously)

Why the frig do people hate the leafs? you know, it really does begin to make a person fiercly angry. The leafs are just like any other team in the NHL, there is absolutely NO reason to hate them. Are they a Canadian team? YES! they are, shouldnt you idiots be supporting them, like I mean we only have 6 Canadian Teams in the whole NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE. In the long run, you people should feel bad about the Toronto Maple Leafs and their organization. They have had it tough,they havnt won a cup in 40 long years. So why hate the leafs? Is it because of their fanbase, that its so much bigger then your favorite NHL clubs? Is it really the fact that you are jalous, and angry about the fact that every where you go, you will see Leafs fans, is it because when the leafs are playing in your favorite NHL teams rink you will hear "GO LEAFS GO"? I really dont understand why people HATE the leafs, its sick, it really is. Its rediculous, it really is. There is no need for hate in the NHL, we have all experienced an NHL LOCKOUT, you should be THANKFUL that we have hockey in our world again today. The only reason I can see that a person would hate another NHL club, is because 1a)They have a better Team OR 1b) They are just playing way to FRIGGIN GOOD! ... think about this, Are you really a hockey fan? If the word "Hate" comes into the hockey world, im sorry to tell you my friends, you are NOT a true hockey fan. I know im going to get some nasty comments because of that, but grow up, and think about it. Canada's national sport is hockey, prove it. Thankyou, that is all.

Just to let you know I tried to keep this as polite as I could, It wasnt easy, but I think this is kept in the "Rated G" area. (Lily,Lori)



Chelsey Lee said...

I agree Fully, it really bugs me!!

Darrell said...

The Leafs are on a Role and Ruling at the Moment...Go LEAFS GO!...
Has the passion returned? remember that passion of the days of Gilmour? It was awesome, and we may finally have it out y'all... Leafs are beaten up bad, but winning games... GO LEAFS GO!

lori-is-weird said...

okay, let me put it to you like this. Everywhere you go, you ask people what their favorite hockey team is. MOST of the time, they say the Leafs. [by this time, you can tell that they know NOTHING about hockey unless they are: "The Haines family", Chelsey [both of them] Brett, Josh, and thats about it.(don't get offended if I forgot you in the "true Leafs Fan"] So yes. They say the Leafs, but really, they probably couldn't name 5 HOCKEY teams let alone 5 players!! I don't know, I just can't explain it. Haven't I highly disliked the Leafs ever since you have known me? YAH! thats what I thought!! So, there. I don't know if it made sence, but hey I tried!! And let me get this straight. I don't HATE the Leafs, they're just my most disliked team.

# 93 Christian "The Great One" Haines said...

True Darrell .. I think its that the LEAFS are ON FIRE and show NO signs of SLOWING DOWN!

Alex/Joseph said...

I'm with lori, what makes us hate the leafs is not their huge fan base, otherwise i'd hate the Habs, the Red Wings, San Jose, they also have huge fan bases as far as hockey goes. We dislike, revoke my hate comment, we dislike the whole concept that at least 45% of their abnormally huge fan base is made up of "fans" that couldnt tell me what offside means, or icing, or hooking, or who bobby orr played for, or for that matter, and really more interesting, alot of "leafs fans" couldnt tell me who doug gilmour played for. Sad, I think so. As for me, its less hate, really, no hate, not even dislike, just plain flat out Habs-Leafs old school rivalry. It's a thing that comes with being a habs fan. Rivalry, thats all. And i don't feel bad for them becuase im too busy feeling bad for Montreal and their lack of recent playoff sucess and continuing problems with holding leads and playing full consistent games. those are my thoughts

lori-is-weird said...

*thumbs up Alex*