Sunday, November 12, 2006


You are my King (Amazing love) By The Newsboys
Take a sheet of paper. On it write all the things for which you need to be forgiven. Write down things you’ve never asked God to forgive. Write down things you’ve asked God to forgive but which keep bugging your conscience anyway ... Now take that sheet of paper and tear it up. Into small, tiny little pieces. On a windy day, take the pieces, and throw them into the wind and watch the scatter and fly away. Littering I know isn’t the smartest thing to do, but this thing has a picture to it. The sins you wrote down are now gone. You couldn’t pick up the scattered pieces even if you wanted to. That’s the way God views our sins when you ask for his forgiveness. Scattered. Gone, "Forgiven". The bible explains Gods forgiveness to us in so many different ways. "Therefore, my brothers, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness if sin is proclaimed to you"(Acts 13:38). "As far as the East is from West, So far has he removed our transgressions from us"(Psalm 103:12). "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" (Romans 12:21). When it comes to forgiving someone I know that it can be the toughest thing in the world. But really just think about it, Think about what Jesus done for us. In this video above it is called "Im Forgiven", take a moment to really focus on what is being said in this song by the Newsboys. As many of you know this song really touched my heart, and it will always be one of my most favorite songs. This song is the song that I came forward to, to give my life to Jesus, and confess him as my Lord and savior. It was the words in this song that really tell me this is for real, Im truly honored to be a part of the family of God. To summarize this post, what im saying is all that we have to do is ADMIT that we have sinned, and believe that he will forgive us, because he will regardless of how bad the sin is. "I love you, And God does too" .. Right Darrell!


Chelsey Lee said...

im lost for words, every word you said.. its true.. I pray for you and your faith, everynight, its so inspiring, i just hope it keeps growing, and you really are right, i just.. dont know what to say..

lori-is-weird said...

so true!! SO TRUE!! It's so amazing how he just forgives us just like that! No hesatation! I don't even want to think aout what life would be like if he didn't do that...we would be even more screwed up than we already are!! I'm so thankful for how he forgives us...just like *THAT*!

# 93 Christian "The Great One" Haines said...

amen Chelsy,Lori.

Darrell said...

Amen! Christian, you have it right. Thats a great illustration. Just to take the things you have done on the list that are good and those that are bad, one can wonder about these truths. Jesus truly did illustrate His love for us, as you have shown in this post.
Love you Bro! and I know God is working in your Life...AMEN!

chelseylynnpalmer said...

Amen! Christian.... you are right! .... forever<3

chelseylynnpalmer said...

thats not nice...