Saturday, November 11, 2006


Indescribable - Chris Tomlin

When you listen to that song above you really just need to stop and think. do you know what the word "Indescribable" means? well lets find out here. Definition 1 states this, "cannot be described . Definition 2 says "surpassing description ". Both of them translations were straight out of the webster online dictionary. When Chris Tomlin wrote this song, he could not of picked a better title then "Indescribable". As you listen to this song, just listen to the words and really take sometime to think about what is being said here. God can be explained in so many ways, he's so great,awesome,powerful,amazing and so much more. God is the reason why we are not living lifes that are just negative, God is the reason why we are where we are today in life. I've said it before and I will say it again, Im so happy to have the youth that we have, our relationships are so strong, were a team, and thats never going to change, and its all because of our indescribable God. One last time I just want to tell you to really focus on the words in this song . Praise God!!!


lori-is-weird said...

it's amazing to think, that a God so..."Indescribable" would want to know us and want to have a part in our lives! now THAT is indescribable!! [by the way...awesome post!! I love that song!]

Chelsey Lee said...

Amen Christian.. That song title is perfect, God love is so indescriable, and everything about him. that song gets to me everytime, everytime